In Support for Saudi scholarship programme Arabian Oud Offers Job Opportunities for Saudi Students at its International Branches


Arabian Oud, the world’s largest retail chain specialized in oriental perfume, launched an initiative that aims at supporting Saudi Scholarship Students, through offering them job opportunities at Arabian Oud’s International stores.

This initiative has already started at Arabian Oud London Branch, and to be executed at Paris and New York Braches.

The initiative stemmed out from the importance of Investing in Human Capital, which is the most successful investment to build a sustainable economy.

Arabian Oud is aware of the challenges faced by the Students abroad, and Arabian Oud is offering them part time jobs at its International Branches in London, Paris and New York.

This opportunity will allow the students to increase their income and utilize their free time, while still focusing on their education.

Mr. Badr AL Kathami said” Arabian Oud is a Saudi company, that represents the Kingdom and accordingly we have worked towards providing part time jobs for Saudi students at our branches in London, which helps them to gain practical work experience, gain many skills like time management, dedication and commitment, and team work, which will affect them positively and increase their productivity while they are abroad in addition to the financial benefits.”

AL Kathami added “Arabian Oud values the role of youth in building a health and strong community and we are helping them to be effective members in the community by giving them the opportunity to shape their future through  actual work experience that will make them confident and self-dependent, thus creating a generation of Future Leaders.”

It is worth mentioning that Arabian Oud, established in 1982, is the largest company operating in the oriental perfume industry. It was recently ranked first as the most selling perfume company in the MENA region, and the 11th globally as per the certified report issued by Euromonitor. Arabian Oud operates 755 stores in more than 35 countries across the world, and it is recognized as the most famous brand in the world. This was due to its proficiency and uniqueness in producing incense, oriental perfumes and aromatic oils.

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