The German healthcare industry has a long tradition of innovations that have set world standards. The industry’s consistent ability to turn theory into practice has played a key role in allowing numerous achievements. Close and reliable collaboration between companies and scientific research facilities are one of the key ingredients of this success.
Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 strongly emphasizes the engagement of the private sector, the improvement of health care services, the qualification of the Saudi Arabian workforce and the transfer of know-how. German companies and institutions stand ready to provide the means for the Vision’s goals.
The event of the German Saudi-Arabian Liaison Office for Economic Affairs (GESALO) was supported by the German Embassy in Saudi Arabia and the Saudi Arabian Embassy in Berlin and brought together selected German companies providing healthcare technology, medical treatment, hospital planning or even patient transportation services with more than 100 representatives of the Saudi Arabian health care sector from the government, the business and the scientific communities.
Mr. Oliver Oehms, the Delegate of German Industry and Commerce for Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Yemen said, that “a world-class health care system is the foundation for a vibrant society as defined by the Vision2030. German excellence and know-how can provide the best solutions for Saudi Arabia’s future plans.
Siemens and its Saudi Arabian partner Juffali have been engaged here for more than 85 years. Siemens is known for its local gas turbine manufacturing and participation in the Riyadh Metro project but the company’s health care products can be found in many clinics in Saudi Arabia already.
Drees & Sommer is a specialist in hospital planning. Having been active in Saudi Arabia for more than a decade, its team of architects, engineers and consultants grew to over 45. With a worldwide staff capacity of more than 2,000 Drees & Sommer stands ready to mobilize sizeable highly qualified expert teams.
The Vivantes Hospital Group has been working together with the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Health since 2011. The group’s specialised hospitals in Berlin are an excellent choice for Saudi Arabian patients. Vivantes is also engaged in the hospital building in Saudi Arabia to ensure the development of the local health care system.
Gerolsteiner is Germany’s biggest mineral water exporter and known for the high mineral content of its water. Supported by GESALO it has been successfully serving Saudi consumers for recent past.