ICONIC, the youngest fashion destination from the stable of retail conglomerate Landmark Group has signed a two year endorsement deal with Bollywood’s shining young star Varun Dhawan. Extremely popular with women for his fresh looks and boy next door image and with men for his chiseled body & style statements Varun has managed to win hearts in a short span of his career.
Riding high on the release of Dishoom, Varun talking on his association with ICONIC, said, “The Middle East is a huge supporter of Bollywood and I have received immense love when it comes to my movies. An association with ICONIC, a trendy fashion destination stems from my passion for fashion coupled with a keen sense to stay in the hearts of the Arab world for a long time to come.”
Raza Beig, CEO, Splash & ICONIC, said “An achiever at a very young age, we at ICONIC are proud to partner with the hot & charismatic Varun Dhawan. Both Varun &ICONIC are rapidly growing brand names in their own spaces and hence a perfect fit for each other. Varun is a contemporary fashion icon with a clean, classic and current style and ICONIC offers a similar kind of fashion for its discerning audience.
With the Region being at the forefront of fashion and ICONIC being a local retailer we work with the most suited talent, which essentially puts us firmly on the global fashion scene,” further added Raza.
The first campaign featuring Varun Dhawan with a leggy model will release across the GCC on September 1 and will include six to seven images in various looks and outfits along with a 30 second TV commercial to be used across a mix of communication channels including Print, Radio, TV & Online.